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City Seeking Input on Draft Updates for Tyler 1st Plan

Posted/updated on: February 5, 2014 at 4:59 pm
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thumb_cityoftylerTYLER — As part of the Tyler 1st comprehensive planning process, the City of Tyler is seeking input from residents on the draft updates Plan before it is presented to the City Council for adoption. The City will host a public open house from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. today at the Rose Garden Center in the Camilla Room, 420 Rose Park Drive.

Tyler 1st is the City’s comprehensive plan. It was originally adopted by the City Council on Nov. 14, 2007 after nearly 18 months of community involvement and input. This 20-year plan created a strategic framework for future actions for the City and defines a vision for the future linked to overall goals and policies, according to a city news release. The plan contains strategies and action items for achieving the goals.

The plan calls for annual reports to City Council on the status of implementation as well as a comprehensive review every three to five years to revisit the vision, goals and principles. A steering committee was appointed by Mayor Barbara Bass to oversee this five-year update to the plan. The committee has met over the last year to review each chapter of the plan and to determine what revisions are needed to align the plan with changing community dynamics.

“The Tyler 1st Steering Committee has completed their efforts regarding the plan update. The purpose of the Open House is to display the updates and receive citizen feedback before the draft plan goes through the process for adoption,” said Planning Director Heather Nick. “Getting citizen input is critical to ensuring the plan reflects the vision of the entire community.”

Tyler 1st addresses issues such as transportation, parks and recreation, historic preservation, northern revitalization, business and economy, downtown, and the future land use and annexation guide. A new chapter addressing education was also added as part of the update. For more information on Tyler 1st, visit or the City of Tyler website.

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