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Longview Reacts to Possibility Glass Dragon Could Reopen

Posted/updated on: December 22, 2014 at 8:10 am
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glassdragonlnjLONGVIEW — The Glass Dragon reopening its doors may just happen. KETK reports it was the case that sent shock waves across Gregg and Upshur counties earlier this month. That’s when three people were arrested after a federal, state, and local investigation into the Glass Dragon’s alleged distribution of synthetic marijuana. According to the Longview News-Journal, Jeremy Tidwell has filed a motion in federal court to let him reopen one of his smoke shops to sell electronic cigarettes and other legal items. Some businesses surrounding the Glass Dragon are not happy about the news, though Tidwell’s effort has at least one supporter.

The Kokenzie Floor Store is located around the corner of one of the smoke shop locations. Monnie Linton has worked next to the Glass Dragon for two years, and said it brought in so much traffic it would block the entrance to his store. He said he feels it may have driven away business. He also said he would often find K2 paraphernalia on his property.

The Glass Dragon’s next door neighbor, Lisa Reid, said she was relieved when the store was shut down and hopes the motion to reopen the store is denied. “All of the effort and all of the work that the Longview Police Department put forth to get this place closed down, and the fact they’re trying to reopen it really upsets me being next door to them,” said Reid. It’s very upsetting.”

But a Longview resident who wishes to remain anonymous says he thinks the Glass Dragon has a right to reopen. “I think that it’s more than acceptable,” says the resident. “I think that it’s our own choice and I think if we want to burn incense in our rooms, smell good, and maybe feel better, what’s the difference?”

The owner of an electronic cigarette store also expressed a desire to remain anonymous because the person does not want to be associated with this kind of business. In a written statement, the owner said, “We take pride in what we are in business to do! And that is help people to stop smoking. We as a community need to stand together and help businesses like the Glass Dragon stay shut down!” Right now Shanna Tidwell, Jeremy Tidwell, and Brian Tidwell are awaiting trial. If convicted, the defendants face up to 20 years in prison.

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