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Astronomer, Visual Artist Speaks at Moore MST Magnet

Posted/updated on: November 9, 2019 at 12:30 pm
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TYLER — Astronomer and visual artist, Dr. José Francisco Salgado, spoke to students at Moore MST Magnet School Thursday about his Science & Symphony films and the creative process involved in making them. Students learned how Salgado collaborates with orchestras, composers, and musicians to present films that provoke curiosity and a sense of wonder about the Earth and the Universe. On Saturday, Dr. Salgado is taking part in the ETSO concert at the UT Tyler Cowan Center.

The concert, titled “A Little Night Music,” will feature hi-def imagery of celestial phenomenon such as the northern lights and solar flares from Dr. Salgado and NASA projected above the orchestra as it performs.In his multimedia presentation, Dr. Salgado used excerpts from these films to take students on a virtual tour traveling from the subarctic North to the South Pole and from Earth’s orbit to galaxies far away while learning about these fantastic places. Dr. Salgado encouraged students to think in multidisciplinary ways and to consider following careers in the fields of science, music, education, filmmaking, and photography.

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