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Gas Pump Skimmer Alert

Posted/updated on: March 23, 2017 at 6:52 pm
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MARSHALL – Marshall police are warning about gas pump skimmers, which are now being found inside pumps and not on the outside of the machines. One way you can help from falling victim to these thieves is to enable Bluetooth on a smart phone and have it search for any unusual signals before swiping a card at the gas pump. If any signal comes back from the gas pump, the pump should not be used. You are also encouraged to keep a close watch on their bank accounts and to notify your bank immediately if you notice any suspicious activity on the account.

Here are some more tips of protection against these skimming devices:
*If anti-tampering seal is broken, contact store management immediately and don’t use the machine.
*Use debit cards as credit. Since credit option doesn’t require a PIN the purchaser has more protection.
*Cover the keys while entering your debit/credit password.
*Ask your financial institution to pair geolocation software with your card. This feature tracks location of both your card and phone.
*Make payments inside with cashier.

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