Scholastic All Stars

Current Winners!
- 2023-2024
- Fisher Arrington, Arp
- Hadassah Balcorta, Gladewater
- Jake Curbow, Lindale
- Karolyne Estrada, Carlisle
- Brady Filla, Tyler Legacy
- Caley Fitzgerald, Brook HIll
- A'niya Hartfield, Tyler High
- Ava Hopson, Van
- Sara Houston, Hallsville
- Shemaiah Johnson, Big Sandy
- Aden Johnson, Whitehouse
- Connor Loveless, Sabine
- Carson McCarthy, West Rusk
- Catherine McKnight, TK Gorman
- Brooke Minton, Bullard
- Joseph Salgado, Troup
- Chesni Speaker, Jacksonville
- Shreemayi Undavalli, Longview
- Allison Kay Williams, Kilgore
- Seth Wilson, Grace Community
What is the Scholastic All Stars Program?
Students from throughout our listening area will be considered for this elite team. Students selected to the team will be invited, along with three guests, to our end of the school year banquet in May.
All recipients receive a plaque and scholarship money. The amount depends on donations to the program and other fund raising activities. All nominees must be in the senior class and underclassmen are ineligible.
RULES: We need the very best "students" from a high school's senior class. Each school is allowed two (2) nominations but there can only be one winner per school.
- The "SCHOLASTIC ALL-STARS TEAM" will include male and female students who are involved in as many school-related activities as possible.
- Nominees should be involved in community activities (charity, tutorial, student government, church groups, etc...).
- Nominees must have "95.5" or better average on a 100-point scale.
- All nominations must come from the high school counselor's office.